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Les Citations de la saison 1

Les citations de la saison 1

1.01 - A Tribe Is Born

Trevor : Roxy, you work two jobs right? And you got two kids from two different men. Now, I know I only met you four days ago, but I think you're my soulmate!


Michael : Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy : Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.


Pamela : Sit next to the Anti-Christ, going to Hell by association.
Roxy : Oh, I reckon I got you beat on the Hell front.
Pamela : Last week I was a drug dealer. This week I'm carrying the chaplain's kids. You think you can top that?
Roxy : I can try. My kids aren't my husband's. I was married to the first one's daddy till he sucker-punched me. The second one was just a friend who came over to "comfort" me one night. I've known Trevor, my husband, for all of 17 days now. How'd I do.
Pamela : I'm impressed.


Pamela : Vodka and a hammer! I need vodka and a hammer!!!


Pamela : You having a good time?
Roland : Let's just say childbirth is disgusting as it is miraculous.
Roland : It wasn't me.

1.02 - After Birth

Roxy : Give me everything you've got baby doll or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Pamela : I know it's a lot, Roxy, but you gotta harden yourself. You gotta keep it together for your husband.
Roxy : I'm trying. I guess I just thought marrying a soldier would be romantic. But instead, it's about worrying whether he's coming back.
Pamela : Well, he can't go to war worrying about you. He could die from that kind of distraction.

1.03 - Art Of The Separation

Denise : There's nothing wrong. I'm just taking a bath.
Frank : Oh. Damn, I wish there was a webcam!


Trevor : Finn, you are on girl watch. No girls allowed, you understand?
Finn : No girls! Yes sir!
Finn : Here come girls!


Denise : Roxy's right. We need to kick some ass.
Claudia Joy : Did you just say "kick some ass"?
Denise : And I'm learning how to. Roxy is teaching me to box. She's a real survivor, that girl. I can't lift my arms but it was fun.
Claudia Joy : Why are you learning how to box?
Denise : Jeremy lost his temper. Again.
Claudia Joy : He hurt you. Even after Michael warned him?
Denise : Yeah. Roxy walked in and, well, she kicked him in the groin.
Claudia Joy : I don't know what to say.


Trevor : Hey, I know this is tough for you but I'm coming home.
Roxy : How can you know that? How can anyone know that?
Trevor : I just know. I do.
Roxy : Look, I get it, ok? I hit the jackpot here. I mean, most men put on the skates when they hear I got kids. But you married me. And here we are a blink later and you wanna adopt my boys and you want me to read your will and...it's not "just in case". It's because you could die. Trevor, it's because you could die.
Trevor : Roxy. I was adopted. And not till I was seven. Until then it was just foster care. I don't want to adopt your boys because I'm afraid I'm gonna die. I want to adopt them because I want them to know what it feels like to have someone really want them. It's like I said, I'm coming home.


Amanda : Look everybody, it's Jeremy Sherwood...How are you?
Jeremy : Great...Uh... Amanda, you look great!
Amanda : So do you.
Jeremy : So, when did you get home?
Amanda : About 90 minutes after I got arrested.
Jeremy : Arrested?
Amanda : I take it you haven't been watching the news?
Jeremy : I hate that show, it's too depressing.


Pamela : Hey… It's me, Pamela Moran. I just want to let you all know, I made fifty grand carrying those kids. That's right, I was a paid surrogate. So, they're not my babies, they're not in the hospital, they're not dead and I lied to everyone. So… Have at it!


Pamela : I read this quote once. Once you become a mother, you stop being the picture and you start being the frame.

1.05 - Independance Day

Pamela : Marilyn is having an affair, and you waited until now to tell me?
Roxy : Well, excuse me, but I worked until midnight last night.
Pamela : Well, my phone works twenty-four hours a day! And so does my front door!

 1.06 - Who We Are

Marda : I showed you my license, what else do you want? My first report card? A pint of blood? Marriage certificate? I got three of them.


Betty : Excuses are like backsides. Everybody's got one and they all stink.


Roxy : I'm half hoping for a medical discharge so he'll stay home for good. Does that make me selfish?
Betty : Yup. Army's his identity. Take it away, what's he got left?


Marda : That husband of yours, keeper. Unlike your first one. Dumb as a box of nails and a beater to boot. So I'd say your man-pickings, mightily improved. Because this one is sweet, smart, a little nuts about the soldier thing but I can live with that.

1.07 - Hail And Farewell

Marda : Roxy tells me your husband was gone. That must be tougher than getting into a nun's undies.
Pamela : That's a new one.

1.08 - Only The Lonely

Roxy : My favorite designer is the Goodwill.


Roxy : So last night Trevor was on top of me when Finn walked in.
Pamela : Oh my god, what did you do?
Roxy : We said we were cold.
Pamela : And what did he say?
Roxy : He said, it was summer!  Can you beat that?!
Pamela : I wish I could but you're talking about sex, right? I have vague memories of moaning and toes curling...
Roxy : Your toes curl?
Pamela : I didn't say mine.

1.09 - Nobody's Perfect

Betty : People are like artichokes.
Roxy : Don't you mean onions?
Betty :  I like any word that has "choke" in it. It fits better with marriage.


Roxy : I just want to know that you have faults, Trevor. You know, like normal people.
Trevor : I jump to conclusions. I'm a terrible cook. I forget names and I'm clumsy, hence the knee. I can be impulsive and sometimes a little bit too sensitive. [pauses] Feel better?
Roxy : Yeah. Really, I do.

1.10 - Dirty Laundry

Roxy : Now, I'm putting this to all of you. For the first time, Trevor and I did not have sex last night. What do y'all have to say about that?
Claudia Joy : I'm impressed.
Pamela : I'm jealous.
Denise : I'm speechless.
Roland : I'm not here! Please leave a message.


Roxy : Fastest way to a man's zipper; tight jeans, new haircut.

1.11 - Truth And Consequences

Victoria Grayson : Getting older is like being punished for a crime you didn't commit.


Roxy : So, you still think having your own microphone to tell the world off is a bad thing?

1.12 - Rules Of Engagement

Pamela : My man just came back and got a heroes welcome, lemme tell ya he knows how to shoot off the fireworks, we're talking 21-gun salute, so stay hydrated.


Customer : You must be from Tennessee, 'cause you're the only ten I see.
Roxy : Sweet, you can count! Just don't breed. 


Trevor : Rox, you are one of the smartest people I know...you could do anything.
Roxy : You know the difference between a lawyer and an accountant? An accountant knows he's boring. I'm happy where I am right now.

1.13 - Goodbye Stranger

Roxy : Do you remember the trek from Tuscaloosa?
Trevor : How could I forget? TJ threw up on me twice, Finn peed on me, and you broke the dial fighting over the radio station.
Roxy : Good times.
Trevor : Hmmm...good times.


Betty : This place has been truer to me than any man I've ever been with, Roxy. I can't sell it. It's better we just go out together.
Claudia Joy : There has to be something we can do.
Roland : Yeah.
Betty : Forget it. I mean, who needs surgery? It's like putting lipstick on a pig.


Roxy : I'll always remember this day.
Trevor : Why?
Roxy : Because terrorists are trying to blow us up and we're flying a kite. That would really piss them off!


Trevor : Roxy, sometimes I think I've spent most of my life asleep, not taking any chances or any risks...
Roxy : I think jumping out of an airplane is a risk.
Trevor : Shh! You're not supposed to interrupt me!

Ecrit par sabby 

Les Citations de la saison 2

2.01 - Would You Kow My Name

Amanda : Show me the mother, and I'll show you the child.


Roxy : Weren't you just here awhile ago?
: I know. But this time I brought a medical professional.
Denise : This won't cure anything, but it just might make the waiting easier.
Roxy : I doubt it.
Pamela : Well, it couldn't hurt to try.
Roxy : Look at the two of you. It feels like I'm on the wrong end of an intervention.


Pamela : This is Pamela Moran. I realize that this isn't my normal radio slot, but normal isn't a word that applies much anymore. Not around here. I don't know how to gently lead up to something like this, so I'm just going to say it. I just found out that someone very near to me died. As you all know, four days ago there was a bombing at the Hump Bar, and the city is still not back to normal. People are trying to understand how something so terrible could have happened here. The destruction, debris, both physical and emotional have taken a heavy toll, though the Army was quick to respond. I too was one of those who was glued to my television. It was as if I only listened to the news reports long enough, and watched the images enough times, that somehow it would all change. On that first day that we were hungering for information, my son came up to me and asked me if I could take him to the beach. Our adult world is falling apart, but in my child's world, he just wanted to go to the beach he said he'd found this secret place where the gold starfish are, and he wanted to show it to me. But no I couldn't pull myself away. I just sat there in front of the television hypnotized by it all. People who aren't in the military don't understand the unique bonds that are forged so quickly on an army post. Maybe it's because we move so much. You know when you rarely spend two or three years in one place, it forces you to get to the heart of things. That's why when one of these people who we've come to care about like they're our own family slips away, leaves us forever, the loss is almost unbearable.

The mind plays tricks on us at times like this. It has to. We need it to. It's how we're able to power on and do what needs to be done. Even something as mundane as doing the dishes that are piling up in the sink, or going out, getting up and doing what needs to be done for your loved ones. The future doesn't stop. We all search for strength on that first day or two. I did. But whether what I found was true strength or some part of our DNA that makes us want to reach out and help, I don't know. Times like this we question our own strength, our ability to hang on and not crumble. It's one of the things I admire most about the army wives I've met. Must be a military thing- this capacity to press on despite the obstacles, to see a mission through to its completion. No matter what happens that makes us question the world we live in, life goes on, as cliché as that sounds. One generation passes the baton to the next generation and the cycle of life continues. Regeneration- life renewed. What is it that the poets keep trying to hammer into our heads? Winter becomes spring, night becomes day, as one wave crashes onto the shore and disappears, another one appears behind it, and another and another. I guess we humans just plain want to stick around. The ride must be worth the price of admission. And it's not in us to give up hope, even when any reason for hope has dwindled to almost nothing. This communal spirit, this crazy insistence that we all are connected in each other's caretaker, it keeps us from sinking into despair, or sliding into the abyss. What is it about the human touch- holding a loved one close and feeling their warmth, their heartbeat. I mean this is the Army and frequently our loved ones are far away. But their warmth doesn't have to be. At times it feels totally random. It's roll of the dice on who lives and who dies. At some point words fail us and we're left with silence. Silence and time. I read something once, to live in hears you leave behind, is not to die. I don't know what each of you is going to do today, but now is the time to tell those you love, that you love them. Like we loved Amanda and she lives in our hearts still, and will never be forgotten. Me, I think I'm going to pick up my kids up and take that ride down to the ocean like they wanted. The water's beautiful this time of the year. Besides, they know where the gold starfish are.


Pamela : I'm gonna stay. Maybe I'll tell Betty how Roxy dyed her 'netherlands' in a pink heart before Trevor left.

2.02 - Strangers In A Strange Land

Claudia Joy :  To rejoin life is to accept what's happened, but I can't accept it. I can't move forward. I can't turn back. So I hold my breath living in a suspended state of existence.


Trevor : Death is everywhere here, in what you smell, hear, see, feel, and somehow, you're just supposed to put it all away. Forget you saw it. Move on. Is this hell?


Betty : Hey! Watch it! Pull the wrong plug and I'll die.


Roland : Sorry I'm late. I got dinner.
Joan : I already had dinner. It's in the trash can!

Ecrit par stephe 
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